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a team of architects, farmers, builders, designers, teachers, thinkers, and doers.

Our work begins
and ends with the earth.

Designed, baled, and crafted inTraverse City, Michigan.

We have designed the first Straw-Bale Structurally Insulated Panel manufacturing facility in the Midwest.​

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We work with natural materials to build healthier environments, provide attainable housing alternatives, and sequester tons of carbon, literally. 

We manufacture panelized wall systems with natural materials and offer architectural design services to provide high-performing and low cost wall assemblies to builders, developers, and homeowners. ​

We are designers ​who care deeply about thE construction industries LASTING impacts on the earth.


We offer design and natural building consultation, panelizing, and manufacturing services to integrate our SIPs into any new or existing design.


We design and build natural buildings to fit their landscapes and provide places for healthy living.


We sell our panels to regional (and state-wide) builders who use our product as a 1-1 replacement for other prefabricated wall construction products.


We offer modular, pre-designed wall packages that fit standard foundation and roof systems.

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We are stoked to share our recent and

in-progress projects.


Read on to learn more about what we've been up to and where we're going!

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Design Studio + Shop

is located in

Traverse City, MI


please reach out for

project or collaboration inquiries:


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